Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Lover's Curse

This is the original version by Bracey Everett:

Can't remember when I first found out about this song, but I know I found some good obscure Rockabilly tunes around the website dedicated to Gretsch Guitars.

Also this cool photo of Eddie Cochran:

A classic cover of Everett's song done in spanish by Rockabilly band from Spain, Raw Meat (Los Raw Meat?):

Another notable cover by Charlie Hightone and the Rock-it's with really good Hillbilly "hiccups":

The band, The Legendary Raw Deal, do a nice version with a little sax thrown in, but not as much as the original:

Les Godzillas have a 60's organ vibe to their version:

Another female vocal and jazzy sax solo in this one by Cari Lee & the Contenders:

A band with a very long name, Beware The Dangers Of A Ghost Scorpion!, have a really excellent instrumental version out there:

The original by Bracey Everett is included in my 55 track, 2hr. playlist at 8tracks, enjoy!: